Ph.D/MS Students

<< Ph.D. PROGRAM >>

WooSeung Nam

Research Interests

Selected Publications and Honors

JongYun Lee

Research Interests

Selected Publications and Honors

SeongSik Cho

Research Interests

Selected Publications and Honors

GoodSol Lee

Research Interests

Selected Publications and Honors

Ilmuk Choi

Research Interests


Sanghyun Han

Research Interests

Selected Publications and Honors

DongGyu Yang (Lab Head)

Research Interests

Selected Publications and Honors

Taekyoung Han

Research Interests

Selected Publications and Honors

Jaeyoon Hwang

Research Interests

Selected Publications and Honors

Serae Kim

Research Interests

Selected Publications and Honors

Gibum Park

Research Interests

Selected Publications and Honors

Byunggu Kang

Research Interests

Dongsu Kwak

Research Interests

Sunghyun Jin

Research Interests

Selected Publications and Honors

Minjae Lee

Research Interests

Huijeong Choe

Research Interests

Selected Publications and Honors

Chanjeong Park

Research Interests

Selected Publications and Honors

Daewook Hwang

Research Interests

Selected Publications and Honors

Wonjun Bang

Research Interests

Taehun Kim  

Research Interests

Yonghwa Cho

Research Interests

Hongseung Yu

Research Interests

Sooyoung Kwon  

Research Interests

Jusuk Kim  

Research Interests


Siyavushkhon Kholmatov (KAIST)

Research Interests

<< M.S. PROGRAM >>

Jaewon In  

Research Interests

© 2020 Networked Computing Lab.Department of Electrical & Computer EngineeringSeoul National University1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 08826, Republic of Korea